Plum blossom is native to the Taihu Lake and Yonghu Lake in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. It is named after its black plum blossom spots on the surface of the Yangtze River. It is an excellent strain of Chinese sturgeon, unique to southern China. It not only has high nutritional value, but also has high nutritional value. Excellent medicinal value, but also has the advantages of strong disease resistance, cold and heat resistance, strong adaptability, and high survival rate. The plum blossoms on the lake fence or cage culture have strong swimming ability, flat body and large skirts, and thick skirts. Hypertrophy is similar to wild plum blossom on the lake. Prices are as high as 160 yuan/kg to 200 yuan/kg. The author after years of exploration and summary and continuous improvement, formed a "lake cage culture plum blossom new technology", the technology to make full use of lake wild fish, snails, snail resources, so as to improve the production of plum blossom and quality, increase income It is a good project for farmers in the Lake District to increase their incomes and incomes with low investment, low risk, and high returns, and its promotion prospects are very promising.
First, the choice of water area Cage culture area selection in the open, sunny lake, perennial water depth remained in the water of 1.5m ~ 3.0m, the water is fresh and pollution-free, there is a certain area of ​​wind and waves is particularly good.
Second, the cage settings
1. The production of cages is generally made of 6 strands of No. 5 and No. 6 polyethylene knotted nets. The shape is a closed hexahedron. The cover is opened with a diameter of 50cm to 60cm for the feeding operation hole. The cage size is 6.0m6. 0m3.0m or 3.0m5.0m3.0m, cages that are too large are not conducive to management, and small cages are not conducive to plum blossoms.
2. Production of the feed table A square feed table of 1.0 m1. 0 m was made of 20 mesh to 30 mesh polyethylene mesh, and the feed table was suspended at half depth in the cage.
3. Set up cages Use a bamboo or stainless steel tube with a length of 4m to set up a bracket and fix the cage horizontally on the support. The bottom of the cage is required to be in contact with the bottom of the lake and a certain distance is maintained between the cages for feeding and daily management.
Third, the kind of stocking
1. Authentic plum blossoms are selected from local breeding grounds and cultivated in open-air cultivation ponds (preferably earthen ponds) to a weight of about 100 g. They are disease-free, non-abnormal, smooth-surfaced, strong in activity and constitution. Robust species.
2. Restocking time From late April to early May of each year, it is best not to stock in winter and summer, so as not to affect the survival rate of culture.
3. Stocking Density The stocking density is generally 10/m2 to 15/m2, and the maximum is no more than 20/m2 to 30/m2. The specifications for stocking in the same rice nets are relatively neat, so as to avoid mutual food.
4. Steroid disinfection To reduce the incidence of disease and improve the survival rate of the culture, it must be disinfected before stocking, and generally soaked in 20ppm potassium permanganate solution for 30 minutes.
IV. Breeding management
1. It is mainly fed with small junk fish, snails, and oyster meat. The biological requirements of the food are non-polluting and keep fresh. In order to improve the quality of commercial products, artificial feeds are generally not fed. Miscellaneous fish, oyster meat to be crushed, snail crushed. A small amount of feed was started in May. Plum blossoms grew vigorously from June to September and needed a lot of feeding. In October, they were fed in small quantities and stopped feeding in early November. The feeding method is to put 1 to 2 feed tables in each cage, the feed table is suspended in half water, and the feed organisms are placed on the feed table. Feeding adheres to the "four-seeing, four-defining" feeding method, feeding around 40% of the daily feed at around 8 am, feeding 60% of the daily feed around 5 pm, and feeding within 2 hours It is better to be eaten.
2. During the day-to-day management and cultivation, attention shall be paid to recording and observing the feeding activities, weather, and water temperature changes of the cockroaches. Regularly check the growth of cockroaches, and promptly sort boxes. The mastering of the bin time mainly depends on the growth of the earthworms. Generally, the bins are binned once every 30 days, and the bins are cleaned together with the binning operation to disinfect the carcasses. Normally do a good job in the inspection of the box, check the cage regularly for damage, and handle the problem promptly.
V. Disease prevention and control Lake cage culture of plum blossom is generally rare, the survival rate of culture is above 95%, but in practice it is also found that a small number of diseases, especially in some shallow water, poor water quality, no wind and water flow in the area Plum blossoms are susceptible to putrefaction, white spot, and acne. Once the skin disease should be isolated and treated in time, soak the plum blossom with 10ppm antibiotic for 1 day; find the disease with white spot, soak it with 3ppm chlorine dioxide solution for 1 hour; for the acne disease, use the disinfected bamboo stick to discharge acne Inclusions and oxytetracycline ointment applied to wounds.
Sixth, fishing Listed cage breeding plum blossom fishing operation is simple, easy listing, can be harvested at any time according to market demand. By stocking the plum blossoms with a body weight of about 100g, only 80% of them can reach the specifications for commercial products with a body weight of 0.5kg after 2 years of breeding. After 3 years of cultivation, more than 90% of them can reach the specifications for commercial products with a weight of 0.75kg. In the practice of production, the breeding mode is generally adopted for grading, catching and keeping small, and being listed on a perennial basis.

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Fenxi Kangruilai Biotechnology Co., Ltd. ,