The management methods for the wintering management of Astragalus Membranaceus in general are as follows: (1) All the Astragalus membranaceus are transplanted into the greenhouse for wintering, and this method is applicable to aquaculture; (2) A plastic greenhouse is set up on aquaculture ponds. This method is applicable to small-scale farmers, but it is necessary to build a greenhouse. Higher costs recommend a simple, easy-to-use cement tank for households in purple:

Before the water temperature is lower than 5°C, add the soil to the pool and pile up the soil into a "10" shaped file, and then compact it slightly so that the alfalfa can enter into hibernation. The depth of the soil is greater than 30 cm. When the water temperature is 0-5°C, the pool water should be drained to prevent the pool water from freezing and the entire mud in the pool can be hardened and even frozen. In addition, to prevent sunlight from directly irradiating the soil and allowing the water in the soil to evaporate too quickly, it is best to cover the soil with a straw curtain. In addition, it is often necessary to sprinkle water in the pool before and after noon to keep the soil moisture. When the water temperature rises to about 5°C in the coming spring, water can be added to the pool and a small amount of feed can be fed.

Section Tea

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