Field management

Miao Ding seedlings for the appropriate time to the early seedlings, the principle of late Dingmiao to ensure seedlings full seedlings. Generally, the first thinning is performed when the first true leaves are unfolded, and thin and weak seedlings, diseased and diseased seedlings, and deformed seedlings are removed to leave seedlings that are robust, cotyledon hypertrophy, dark green leaves, and characteristics of the original variety; 2 to 3 tablets. When the true leaves are planted for the second time, the weak seedlings and diseased and wounded strains are removed by watering, leaving 2 mu per pond; when 5 to 6 true leaves are combined with watering, each pond is selected to retain the robustness of the original variety. One seedling is Dingmiao and the others are removed.

Reasonable watering of Japanese disease-tolerant processed radish has large leaf area, low lateral roots, poor drought resistance, and must be properly watered according to the growing season, rainfall, soil quality, temperature, groundwater level, air, and soil moisture conditions.

After sowing, it should be fully watered. The effective water content of the soil should be above 80% to ensure that the seedlings grow quickly and homogeneously; the young seedlings in the seedling stage need less water, and the effective water content on the soil is 60%, which should be followed by pouring. The principle is to ensure the growth of seedlings after unearthing; in the week before the seedlings are “broken white”, watering the seedlings should be less to inhibit the growth of lateral roots and promote straight roots deep in the soil; from “breaking white” to “strapless” The flourishing growth period of the leaf, during which period the fleshy roots begin to enlarge, the water demand is gradually increased, timely irrigation is needed to ensure the development of the leaf, but it is not possible to water too much to prevent the leaf's leggy and adverse effects on the roots. . We should master the principle of “do not sloppy, do not pour, and use white to water”. In this period, the amount of watering is more than in the previous period, and the effective water content in the soil is 80%; from “bared shoulder” to “Yuandian” is meat quality. During the period of root enlargement, water should be supplied sufficiently and evenly during this period to maintain an effective soil moisture content of 70% to 80% and air relative humidity of 80% to 90%. This can promote the quality of radish and yield high yield; Appropriate watering to prevent hollow, to improve the quality of radish and storage capacity; stop watering 7 to 10 days before harvest, in order to enhance the quality and storage; Japan's disease-resistant radish in the growth state, although the need for more water However, it is not tolerant. When it rains, pay attention to drainage to prevent rot and black hearts.

The principle of fertilization and fertilization is the combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, mainly based on basal fertilizer and supplemented by top dressing. Generally speaking, in the early stage of growth, due to the small amount of growth, the demand for the three elements is relatively small. With the growth of plants, the demand for three elements continues to increase, and the demand for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is the largest during the peak period of fleshy root enlargement. In addition, there are differences in the absorption of the three elements in different growth stages. In general, the demand for nitrogen during the seedling stage and rosette stage is greater than that of phosphorus and potassium; during the prosperous period of flesh root enlargement, it enters the accumulation stage of nutrient storage, and the phosphorus and potassium fertilizers Need more.

It is necessary to top-dress fertilizer according to specific conditions. After the first cultivating time, the seedlings should be topped in time, and a 1:10 mixture of human waste and urine or 5 kg of urea can be used to pour water once; the second top dressing can be resumed once when breaking the belly. Nitrogen fertilizer, 25 kg of ammonium nitrate or 2000 kg of human waste water to topdressing; in the root swelling period, can use 10-15 kg of potassium sulfate, 20 kg of calcium, 3 to 5 kg of urea Once, to promote growth, increase production; at the same time for the prevention and treatment of black heart disease can be sprayed on the foliar 0.2 ~ 1.25% of borax solution; pay attention to top dressing should be poured in the root rather than on the leaves; in order to facilitate the harvest and storage, before harvest Fast-acting nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied within 20 days.

Weeding, earth-cultivation, and removal of yellow leaves require 2 to 3 times of cultivating tillage during the growth period; early cultivating and weeding are conducive to rapid emergence of seedlings, promote straight roots and deep soil layers, and at the same time reduce the pest and damage caused by weeds; middle and late cultivator weeding It is good for root respiration, preventing root diseases, increasing the temperature difference between day and night, and promoting nutrient accumulation in the roots.

The cultivator should be shallow, deep, first and late, first and second time, when the seedlings are cultivating and loosening the topsoil; during the last cultivating period, the deep cultivator and the cultivator should be used to combine the cultivating soil; when the row is closed, the cultivator should be stopped. Prevent leaf damage, affect photosynthesis, such as the emergence of weeds should be removed in a timely manner; at the same time, the long-shaped exposed body should be earthworm roots, so that the roots erect growth, so as not to bend the root of the meat; to the late stage of growth must always remove old yellow Leaves, reduce nutrient consumption, promote ventilation.

The children pedicure spa chair is generally shaped like a cartoon animal and looks lovely. Behind the children's Pedicure Spa Chair is a non-massage, pedicure massage basin with surf and colorful lights. Foot massage basin uses a hydromassage, adding hot water, allowing your tired feet to fully enjoy the hot water foot bath, can improve blood circulation, accelerate blood flow, so that the body's fatigue, soreness and other discomfort can be eased or eliminated. No-pipe nozzle double-hole surf massage function, with the bottom of the pool lamp mat can be raised and lowered, the basin has hot and cold water switch in front, open the basin function switch, shower, basin under the hot and cold water inlet pipe, drain pipe.

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Children Pedicure Spa Chair

Children Pedicure Spa Chair,Children Beauty Salon Chairs,Pedicure Spa Massage Chair,Children Spa Massage Pedicure Chair