The technology includes the following three parts, as detailed below:
First, dry disk-free technology

(a) Select the appropriate seed coating model. "Dry nurses" have a variety of dosage forms. Drought throwing and throwing should use throwing type “dry nurses” to enable the seedlings to carry soil and achieve the purpose of diskless drought breeding. The dry seedling transplanting and direct seeding, and the selection of dry nursery type “dry nurses” can save costs. . Early, middle, and late rice were selected for the special early-, middle-, and late-season “dry nurses”.

(b) determine the amount. Each kilogram of throwing type "dry nurse nanny" coated rice 3 to 4 kg. The use of "dry nurse nanny" coated rice seedlings with high rate of emergence, high rate of larvae, and more tillers, need to reduce the amount of sowing. The amount of hybrid rice used in field crops ranges from 1 to 1.5 kilograms per mu, conventional rice is 2 to 3 kilograms, and the ratio of farmland to field is 1:12 to 15.

(c) soaking seeds. It is better to immerse the selected rice seeds in clean water until enough water is sucked. Low temperatures in spring, early rice should be immersed for about 24 hours; late rice can be soaked for about 12 hours; medium rice soaking time is between early and late rice. Soaking time is too short, the emergence is slower, the germination rate is lower. Soaking time is too long, prone to bad species.

(four) coating method. Remove the soaked rice seeds, rinse with water, and drain until the rice seeds can be coated without dripping. The seed coating agent is placed in a round-bottomed container at a ratio of 3 to 4 kg per kilogram of "dry nurse nanny" coated rice seed, and the soaked rice seed is slowly added to the container for rolling coating. Stir until all the seed coating agent is wrapped on the seed. After the seed dressing is dried, it can be sown.

(5) Choose the nursery site, apply enough base fertilizer, and make good arrangements for the car. For the boring bed for dry seedlings, it is not advisable to use soils with large amounts of sand or excessively viscous soil as breeding grounds. Instead, we should use a loam field (or muddy field) with near water sources, loose fertility, less weeds, and partial sand. The dry land is used as a seedbed, and the vegetable garden ripe soil is the best. Appropriate amounts of fertilized organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer are used as basic fertilizer. Generally, one mu of Datian is required to prepare 40-50 square meters of barrows. When the plow is lifted, it should be applied with enough decomposing farmhouse fertilizer. At the same time, 2 to 2.5 kg of compound fertilizer should be applied and the mud should be fully mixed. Car side can be.

(six) pouring enough water. The bottom water of the dry nursery seedbed should be poured and fully irrigated, so that the water content of the soil bed in the seedbed can reach 0 to 10 cm in saturation.

(seven) uniform sowing and cover species. The well-packaged seeds were sown in a timely manner. After sowing, a small layer of fine earth of 1 to 2 cm thick was quickly applied and compacted to prevent emergence. After the early rice seedlings are planted, the cover and film insulation is required

(8) Spraying special herbicides for dry nursery eel, such as drought-resistance herb grams. Marmota grass is a special herbicide for paddy rice fields. Experiments in other places in Puyang County have shown that the agent has good control effects on grass weeds and broad-leaved weeds. The fresh weight control effect of grass weeds was more than 98.2% after 20 days, and the fresh weight control effect of broad-leaved weeds was above 91.3%.

How to use: After sowing, cover soil without seeds, each seedbed with the agent 10 ml water 5 kg evenly spray, after the drug can be routine management. After the temperature in the film exceeds 33°C, it is necessary to remove the film for ventilation to prevent burning of seedlings and phytotoxicity.

(9) Doing a good job in seedbed management. Dry seedlings have a faster temperature rise and fall than seedlings in water culture. Special attention should be paid to seedbed management. The emphases of seedling stage are heat preservation and moisturizing. Generally, the film is not removed. However, the temperature in the film must not exceed 33 degrees. If it exceeds the temperature, it should be immediately ventilated and cooled. If bed soil is dry, it should be filled with water. A leaf temperature control temperature and humidity, as long as the outside temperature of not less than 12 degrees, should open two cool. If the bed soil loses water, white water may be sprayed in an appropriate amount. After the two-leaf stage, it is necessary to ventilate the seedlings to control the water and prevent disease. In sunny days, the intra-membrane temperature should be controlled below 30 degrees. During the day, the two sides of the car should be opened to cool the sides of the car, and the ventilation should be used to control the disease. Membrane is covered in rainy days to prevent rain from reaching the seedbeds and ensure the effects of drought. The film was completely removed depending on the weather conditions before the time. Special attention should be paid to the fact that the seedbed should be kept dry during the period of 1.5 to 2.5 leaves. Even if the bed soil is cracked, it is not necessary to water the leaves as long as the leaves are not reeled. Seedlings in this period are prone to blight, bacterial wilt and physiological dead seedlings. That is, the use of "dry nurse nanny" to coat the seedlings will cause mild blight and bacterial wilt if the coating amount is not enough, the seedbed is over-fertilized and the temperature and humidity are not well controlled. In this case, the seedbed per square meter can be sprayed and treated with 2.5 grams of "enexone" and 1000 times liquid. Physiological dead seedlings can be adjusted to solve the wet temperature.

(10) Problems can be solved by taking comprehensive measures. The first is to choose a fertile, organic matter-rich loam field (preferably a garden soil) for the seedbed. The second is to increase the manure fertilizer for base fertilizer. The third is to pick the dry nursery boring bed in the winter of the first year and plowing and freezing to loosen the soil. Fourth, the available spacers can be solved. In the late rice demonstration in Puyang County, the 5cm thick topsoil of the seedbed was used as the car side to level the car side. Before sowing, a 1.5m wide nylon mesh screen is placed on the surface of the car, and the top soil reserved for car side is used to lay 3cm soil layer on the screen nylon net, then sowing, covering with the remaining topsoil 2cm, soaking water, spraying "Dry grass and weed herb" herbicide, covered with thatched grass or rice straw shade moisturizing seedlings, after the emergence of seedlings in time to remove the shade. Drag does not need to tilt the screen, the root only drives 5cm of dirt on the screen, very easy to pull. The fifth is to drench water the afternoon before dragging, which is good for dragging and picking roots with “hygroscopic mud ball” to facilitate throwing seedlings. Sixth, do a good job during the growth of seedlings to clear the ditch and drain water. When it comes to drought, it must be watered and must not be flooded.

The method of drought and seedling dumping, the field management in Daejeon and the control of pests and diseases are the same as those for conventional plastic trays.

Second, dry nurse nanny coated seed no-till spread technology

In Nan County, 217 acres of mid-season no-tillage sowing experiment was conducted. After harvesting the last crop of rapeseed on May 14th, on May 15th, we sprayed 3 bottles of Feida Red on each acre for chemical weeding. After spraying, 5 cm of water was kept on the second day for 8 days. Let the weeds rot. Soaking the seeds on the evening of May 24th, May 25 with dry nurse nanny strong agent for seed dressing, seed dressing after the day of sowing, seedlings after sowing field water, keep the soil moist, ensure that the whole seedling sowing. In the future, field management is the same as other cultivation methods. The no-tillage sowing technique for coated seeds of dry-nourished nanny is more suitable for promotion and application in the production of middle rice (season rice). Early rice seeds are soaked at low temperatures, and late rice has seasonal contradictions.

Third, no-tillage rice transplanting technology

Rice no-tillage production techniques refer to the use of herbicides to eliminate weed plants and shatter-grain seedlings after destroying rice crops or green manure crops after harvesting previous crops. In Putian, after the water layer is naturally drained or drained, the seedlings are cast and transplanted into the rice cultivation techniques in Daejeon. This technology has the characteristics of labor saving, high productivity, and ease of production. It is an important technology for light cultivation of rice. The technical points are as follows:

1, no-tillage rice field selection. No-tillage paddy fields should be selected in paddy fields with sufficient water sources, convenient drainage and irrigation, flat land, deep plowing layer and strong water retention and fertility conservation. Deep mud fields, muddy fields, cold-dipping fields, and fields with sufficient water sources and convenient irrigation and drainage can all be used. Former crops can be rape, vegetables, green manure, rice and so on. Fields that are not suitable for no-tillage are sandy soils, leaky lands, and long-term waterlogged fields; fields that are abandoned in winter and spring; and heavy fields such as water peanuts and heavy weeds.

2, the choice of herbicides. At present, there are two types of efficacious herbicides that can effectively kill rice paddy fields and weeds in the paddy field: one is contact-killing, and the other is traceless. The other is the suction type, such as Feidahong, Farmers Music 747, Roundup and other glyphosate herbicides. Contact killing herbicide can observe the weeding effect in a short time after spraying. The liquid is sprayed on the stems and leaves of rice piles and weeds for 1 to 2 days. The stem and leaf parts begin to wither, and the field is flooded for 15 to 20 days. The vast majority of weeds and rice piles have died to achieve the purpose of weeding and eliminating miscellaneous objects; the use of systemic herbicides has made it difficult to observe the effects of weeding in a short time, but the effect of eradication is more thorough, and liquid medicine is sprayed on the piles and grows. Lush weed stems and leaves, 3 to 7 days later, the leaves began to turn yellow, 15 to 20 days after spraying, weed leaves withered, and finally the roots, stems and leaves all withered, to achieve the purpose of weeding and miscellaneous purposes.

3. Disposal of green manure, rice piles and weeds before throwing. Early rice no-tillage production: If the late rice is harvested in the winter, after the early rice planting, 15 to 20 days before planting, use about 150 grams of 88.8% Feida red or 150 to 200 grams of farmer Le 747 or 20% of Grams 200 per acre. ~ 250 grams of water about 30 kilograms, with a spray evenly sprayed on the rice piles and weeds stems and leaves, spray 3 to 5 days after the irrigation field immersed in 10 to 15 days, the depth of water to submerge the rice pile is better. Wait for the water layer to dry naturally or throw it away 1 day before throwing.

If former is Ziyunying, the Ziyun should be destroyed. The technical point of destruction is: Choose 10 days to 15 days before the early rice throwing. Choose no rain and drain the water in the fields of Ziyunying. Use sterile herbicides (Feida Red 200g/mu or Roundup 300g/mu or 300g/mu without trace) and water 50kg evenly sprayed on Ziyunying, and keep the field free of stagnant water. After 3 to 5 days, the water is filled with water for simmering. After 7 to 10 days, it will be fully rot. Dispose of the front row of dry field water or allow it to dry naturally, applying 15 kg of ammonium per acre evenly, 20 kg of phosphor powder, and flatten the field surface.

Middle rice (a season late rice) no-tillage production: The top rake is a rapeseed, and rape should be cut as low as possible during harvesting, and the height of pods should not exceed 15 cm. Per acre can be used about 150 grams of 88.8% Feida red or 150 to 200 grams of farmers Le 747 or 20% of grams of traceless 200 to 250 grams of about 30 kilograms of water around the field evenly spray. 3 to 5 days after spraying, irrigating the field for 5 to 7 days. Wait for the water layer to dry naturally or throw it away 1 day before throwing.

Late rice no-tillage production: If the previous crop is early rice, the height of rice piles retained during the early rice harvest should not exceed 15 cm. Otherwise, the water cannot submerge the rice piles and it is difficult to rot. As a result, the seedlings are placed on the rice piles. The technical points of no-tillage production of late rice are as follows: Early rice is drained immediately after harvesting. Each acre is treated with 250 to 300 ml of ammonium bicarbonate or 2 kg of potassium chloride per kg, and evenly sprayed with 30 kg of water and sprayed uniformly with a sprayer. On the stems and leaves of the rice piles and weeds, the spray was sprayed on the second day after spraying, and the second to third days after the spraying, the deep water flooded the fields for 3 to 5 days. On the same day of harvest of the early rice or on the second day, 88.8% of Feida Red 150g or 250-300g of farmer Le 747 can be evenly sprayed with 30 kg of clean water per acre, and the rice can be flooded 2 to 3 days after spraying. Soak in the fields for 3 to 5 days. In the 2 to 3 days before the dumping, the Liaogu Valley seedlings grow back and spray dry field water for the second time, and 200 grams of paraquat is applied against the water 30 kilograms. On the second day after the application of paraquat, dry the fields and apply basal fertigation. If the season allows, the rice to be regenerated and the shattered grain seedlings can be used once after growing. Late rice no-tillage production can be combined with straw returning, and 40 kg of compound fertilizer for each acre of rice is used. The order is to spray the herbicide first, then apply the base fertilizer, sprinkle the straw, and throw the earthworm.

4, attention. 1 No matter what type of herbicide is used, the field must be dry when spraying, and the herbicide must be treated with clear water, and it should be applied in sunny days. Heavy rain should be sprayed within 4 hours after spraying. 2 Weeding time: Double-season rice should be used after the Chinese New Year to see Acacia before heading. Double-season rice should be applied on the day of harvest or the next day. 3 The grasshoppers should be repressed before they are thrown in order to facilitate the seedlings to contact the soil and take root.

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