Recently, readers of Mr. Liu of Dengzhou City, Mr. Yang of Xihua County, and Mr. Lin of Huaxian County dialed Hotline 110 Hotline of the newspaper to consult questions about spinach anthrax. On this issue, the reporter interviewed experts from the expert advisory group of the newspaper. Experts pointed out that spinach anthrax is a major hazard to spinach, which is one of the major diseases of spinach.

First, the harm symptoms

Spinach anthracnose mainly harm spinach leaves and stems.

The leaves are infected. Primary pale yellow spots, enlarged lesions are oval or irregular, yellow-brown, with a ring pattern, water-stained edges, black dots in the center. When the weather is dry, the lesions are dry and perforated. In severe cases, the lesions are connected together and the leaves are yellow.

Planting strains infected. Occurred mainly in the stem, lesions are spindle-shaped or shuttle-shaped, diseased tissue gradually dry rot, resulting in the upper stems and leaves folded down, dense spots in the dark round arranging small spots, that is, the conidia of the bacteria .

Second, prevention and control measures

(1) Seed selection and seed treatment. Harvest seeds from disease-free seed plants and introduce seed seeds before introducing seeds. After soaking in warm water at 52°C for 20 minutes, it was immediately moved into cold water and allowed to germinate after drying.

(b) Rotation cultivation. Onset plots promote the use of 2 to 3 year rotations with other vegetables to reduce field pathogens.

(C) strengthen the cultivation and management. Sorghum sorghum cultivation, appropriate close planting, adequate organic fertilizer, reasonable irrigation, reduce the humidity in the field, improve plant resistance to disease.

(D) clean up the pastoral. Immediately after the harvest, the diseased plant debris is removed and taken to the field for deep burial or burning, which can reduce the incidence. Deeply dipping the soil to speed up the decay of the sick body.

(e) Chemical control. Early onset, timely medication control, continuous spray control 2 to 3 times, medication interval of 7 to 10 days. Agents can be used: 80% San Desheng WP 600-800 times (mu 150-180 grams), 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 1000 times (100 grams per mu), 75% 100% Bacterial WP 600 times liquid (mu 165 g), 70% mancozeb WP 600 times liquid (mu 165 g), 50% carbendazim WP 800 times (Mu application 125 grams), 64% anti-virus WP 500 times liquid (200 grams per mu) and so on.

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