1. Selection of A field plots for field cultivation: Although the soil does not affect the quality of rose oil, it has a great influence on plant growth and flower formation and oil content, directly affecting the economic benefits of the cultivated households. Therefore, we must choose a thick soil layer, fertility in the middle, can discharge energy irrigation, neutral or alkaline soil (slightly acidic), can not be planted under shade, water, land, shade. B Rose Seedling Planting: Roses have a high survival rate in the early winter (November) and early spring (March) in Huanghuai. It is not easy to survive in transplants in other seasons. Before planting, it is necessary to meticulously prepare the soil, apply sufficient farmhouse fertilizer, and deeply plow the soil to make the soil dense. The planting distance is generally 2-2.2cm, planting trenches can be used to turn the plows into the trenches, and the depth is 20-30cm (depending on the size of the seedlings), and the spacing is 0.5cm, so as to ensure safe wintering. After the spring of the coming year, plowing in stages will help seedlings sprout and grow. When planting, different varieties have to be planted in different places, which not only facilitates the collection and processing of different varieties, but also avoids the confusion of the products and affects the market sales. This half-junction must be good, or the legacy is endless.

2. Field management: A valerian: As the seedlings are smaller, the weeds are easy to grow, and the sorghum work must be done in time so that the seedlings do not hurt and there is no grass. B Water and Fertilizer Management Water is the key to ensuring the survival of seedlings. To achieve the existing waterlogging and waterlogging, timely watering is needed to protect the soil moisture at about 80%. Fertilizer is the guarantee for the growth of seedlings. Therefore, the base fertilizer must be applied before planting. The farmyard fertilizer should not be less than 2500 kg per mu. After the branches and leaves grow, in order to promote the growth and development of the plants, urea or compound fertilizer can be combined with trace fertilizer (phosphorus, potassium, boron, etc.) to top-dress one time. During the winter plant dormancy season, farm manure or fertilizer can be used to topdress once. In short, according to the fertility of the land, the seedlings grow in time to apply the fertilizer needed for seedlings. When fertilizing, fertilization in the planting of Gonggonggou is beneficial to the absorption of the plant, and it cannot be placed too close to the plant or applied directly to the plant. C. Prevention and control of pests and diseases: (1) Aphids and Spodoptera exigua (Hübner): Harmful plants and leaves damaged, can be used 40% omethoate 2000 times spray or methamidophos water spray. (2) Scarab, small tiger: Harm the roots of plants and use poison baits to kill. (3) Rust: There are rust yellow spore heaps on the leaves and leaf stems, sprayed with 50% Daisyam® 1000 times solution.

Harvest of roses.

The rose planting (November timing) takes 17 months to harvest the flower buds and three years into the flowering period. The flowering period is from late April to late May, and early May is the flowering period. When collecting flowers, the receptacles, petals, and flower buds all contain oil, and the petals contain the most oil. Different parts of the oil, the aroma is different, and in the half-open period, the highest oil content, the best oil. After the oil is fully opened, the oil content is volatilized, the content is reduced and the quality is reduced. The half-to-full speed of flowers is greatly affected by the temperature. Normally, with dew picking before 10 o'clock in the morning, otherwise, with the increase of temperature, the fully open flowers cause the oil to evaporate, reducing oil quality and oil yield. Lei's picking: The best period is for the tip of the tip, the tip of the tip to be red, and the tip of the tip to be put. After the flowers or buds are harvested, they are dressed in bamboo cages or bamboo baskets and immediately delivered to the local purchasing station for sale or drying. Too long storage time will lead to spoilage, resulting in unnecessary economic losses.

Rose cultivation techniques

In recent years, with the research and development of a variety of effects on rose food, beauty, health care, treatment and chemical industry, roses contain unlimited market potential. Rose cultivation techniques are described as follows: First, level the land: Select the deep soil, loose structure, well-drained plots to establish a rose garden, according to the spacing of 50 cm, row spacing 150-200 cm digging, pit depth of 50 cm, each pit Apply 10 kg of farmyard fertilizer or bio-organic fertilizer. Second, choose a good seedlings: to choose a robust rose seedlings, sprout seedlings should have 2-3 branches; grafted seedlings require the development of roots beech wood, stem diameter 3-4 mm, plant height 30 cm, to follow along with the plant, Seedlings destined for foreign markets should be packed with pulp. Third, the rational close planting: According to the requirements of about 700 per acre rose seedlings, seedlings less because of the year, in order to save the land, planting 1500-2000 acres per acre, the second year, can be transplanted or sold seedlings, spring planted in roses The early spring before germination takes place; the autumn planting takes place from October to December, and the summer planting takes place on rainy days in the rainy season. Fourth, scientific management: Weeding and weeding keep soil loose. Fertilization is dominated by organic fertilizer, which is usually followed by fertilizer four times a year. The first time before and after the Ching Ming Festival, the water is poured into the livestock waste water, which is called germinating fertilizer and is watered in time. The second time in late April, the buds or the second time before flower collection are applied to the livestock manure. Water promotes many and full buds; in May organic bio-fertilizers are applied and winter fertilizers are applied at the end of autumn and winter to ensure safe wintering of seedlings. After the flowering in June and the dormant period in winter, old branches, diseased shoots and weak branches were cut off and new branches were planted. Pay attention to the prevention and control of pests and diseases during all stages of field management.

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Royal Jelly

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