During the period of vegetable nursery, if the seedbed is found to be dry (less than 16% to 17% of soil moisture), it should be watered in time. Specific requirements and practices are as follows.

1. Watering time. During the watering of the vegetable nursery, it is better to choose sunny weather; in the day, it is better to use 10-12 am. In general, try not to water in the evening. 2. Control the amount of water. Watering vegetables during the nursery period, the amount of water can not be too large, a reasonable amount of water infiltration after the moisture, the soil around the seedling roots moist, no water on the surface of bed soil for the degree; general water depth of 8-10 cm. If watering is too much and the soil moisture is too high, the seedlings are easy to pick roots, leggy or susceptible. 3. Fragment watering. Because the temperature in the seedbed is not too uniform, the amount of soil evaporation is not consistent; under normal circumstances, the middle of the seedbed is easy to dry and the south is relatively humid. Therefore, when watering, it must be adapted to the local conditions, and it must be watered in strict accordance with the needs of the water. For areas that do not lack water, they should be poured or not poured to ensure that the humidity of the seedbed is uniform and the seedlings grow neatly.


Variety type:  early maturity water spinach variety
seeds type: Green Water Spinach Seeds
Maturity: 55 to 60days after planting
Leaf color:  Bright green
Best grow temperature: 25 to 30 Â°C

3500 to 4000kgs/667m2

Plant height :  About 37cm
Indoor or outdoor: Outdoor and greenhouse
Resistant: High temperature and raining

Straight plant, thick and light green stem, good flavor and wide adaptability.


Cultivation point:

Best grow temperature Line space 
Plant space Sowing dosage
 25 to 30 °C 
16cm 15cm 13 to 15kgs/667m2

Green Water Spinach Seeds quality: 



Germination percentage







Ningxia, China

Water Spinach Seeds

Water Spinach Seeds,ZQS01 Water Spinach Seeds,Green Stem Water Spinach Seeds,Green Water Spinach Seeds

Ningxia Zhongqing Agricultural Technology Co. Ltd. , https://www.zq-vegetableseeds.com