Among the world's most famous pig breeds, Pitlane is one of the most lean breeds and has the most abundant muscles. Pitlan breeders are characterized by a high lean growth rate, good carcass quality, low fat content, well-developed dorsal and thigh meats, and a good bone to meat ratio. Its advantages make Pitlan's lean meat high, while maintaining good carcass quality. This pig breed from Belgium and Germany is even characterized by having a "double body type". These pigs are used as the male parent of the thoroughbred or the terminal father used to compose the cross. Several questions about the Pitlan breeder: The sensitivity to stress-sensitive stress is extremely damaging, and it can affect the quality of the pig. When the pigs are in a state of oppression, such as in an experiment, during transportation, or when they are squeezed together, the stress syndrome can be even more severe or even fatal. There is no sign of sudden death of the pig. The pig infected with this disease will tremble all over the body and then the muscles will harden. Breathing difficulties, the skin will turn pale purple, body temperature will continue to rise, and acute metabolic acidosis will occur. It usually dies after tens of seconds. This phenomenon is also classified as a type of malignant fever. In addition to the above-mentioned damage caused by PSE, the meat quality will also decrease. Even if these pigs were only slightly stimulated before slaughter, the pork would be white, soft, and the tissue fluid would leak. We also found that those faded meats had a rapid drop in pH at slaughter and that they lost water. The processing efficiency of this meat is naturally low. The related genetic factor This phenomenon is caused by a powerful expression of the recessive gene carried on chromosome #6. The determination of the presence of this gene in pigs was first performed by a halothane test (a non-flammable, non-toxic anesthetic experiment) (therefore the name of the halothane-sensitive gene has been established). Sensitive pigs will be stiff in the experiment. If you continue to do blood tests, you will find that some blood groups are related to this. Now, using molecular biology experiments, we can find that homozygous pigs are stress-sensitive, heterozygous pigs Nn and homozygous pigs are not sensitive to NN stress. Solution: Through the selection of the species to maintain the basic shape of all or part of the elimination of the stress gene can produce heterozygous pig Nn, or homozygous pig NN, which is France's I Peter breeding company preferred to FH016 Pietrain One of the purposes of seed selection. Carcass Quality and Shape Characteristics For live pigs, muscle growth can be calculated using the eye muscle area. The area of ​​the eye muscles can be determined by measuring the penultimate ribs with a scanner. Measurement results are included in the selected BLUP index. The validity of the results of in vivo measurements is often verified using measurements taken at the same location on the carcass. Thickness is also measured at the same measuring point. The divided front legs, back waist and thigh sections are weighed weekly. Growth and feed conversion rates (see table below) ---------------------------------------- -------------- Types of body growth speeds are not sensitive to fleshy stress ——————————————————————————— FH016 Pietrain Species Nn +++ + + NN +- +- +++FH304 FH016 Hybridize with Nn +- -++ ++ FH019 NN + -++ +++——————————— _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Although stress-sensitive Pitlan muscles grow rapidly, individual growth rates are relatively slow, accompanied by moderate feed conversion rates. The Iberian breeder preference company in France pays great attention to fast growth rate and low feed conversion rate, which brings better economic benefits than stress-sensitive Pietrain. This is one of the reasons for the elimination of fluoroalkane-sensitive Pitlan. Nn and NN pigs showed better growth rates. Like other pig breeds with stressed genes, Piedmont pigs in the succulent cannabis cultivars that are sensitive to stress can bring about improvements in pH, flesh color (measured by light reflectance), drip loss, etc. At the same time, we also observed a decrease in the number of pigs lost during feeding. French Iberian breeder preference company plan FH016 Pietin produces Nn pigs (heterozygous for stress insensitivity) or NN pigs (homozygous for stress insensitivity), these pigs can be used directly as the terminal father or as another Hybrid male parent (Synthetic FH019, which is insensitive to stress and fast growing). According to market demand and production options, breeders can use 4 kinds of boars. In addition, when selecting the female parent, it should be considered whether it is sensitive to stress, because the stress gene is also present in some species such as Dabai and Changbai (the occurrence probability is slightly less in Changbai and Dabai). If it can be determined that the female parent does not carry stress genes, whether the father carries stress genes has no major effect on mortality. In the uncertain case, it is best to choose NN boars that are not sensitive to stress.

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