In the hot summer weather, the use of vertical ventilation is the best way to increase the indoor air flow rate and speed up the heat dissipation of chickens. Although vertical ventilation simply increases the rate at which heat is emitted, the temperature in the room is still higher than the ideal temperature, but the chickens feel that they are in a cooler environment, thus ensuring their health and comfort. Some of the points listed in this article are available for reference at farms in order to better improve summer management.
1, do a good job in the detection of ventilation equipment Before the advent of summer, do a good job in the maintenance of wind turbine belts. If there is too much dust on the fan blades and shutters, the ventilation will be greatly reduced. In addition, if the fan belt is loose, it will cause the fan speed to slow down and the belt will wear prematurely. Therefore, the dust on the fans' blades and shutters should be removed frequently, and the belts and the worn pulleys should be replaced in time to ensure that the belts are in a tight state, so that the fans are always in the maximum working efficiency state, which greatly improves the ventilation and ventilation of the fans. Thermal power.
2. Observe the flock and make sure that the number of fans turned on is different because the temperature sensed by the flock is different from the temperature measured by the thermometer. Therefore, the appropriate amount of ventilation should be determined based on the specific performance of the flock. When the chickens stopped their activities, all the chickens were lying on the floor, but they did not open their mouths to breathe. This indicated that the airflow in the house was too fast. At this time, several fans should be turned on. The amount of ventilation should be increased to remove the excessive heat in the house and increase the time. The wind speed makes the chicken feel comfortable.
In addition, when the air flow is generated, the lower the air temperature, or the smaller the age of the flock, the greater the air-cooling effect. On the contrary, the higher the air temperature or the older the flock age, the smaller the air-cooling effect. Therefore, we should determine whether to turn on the fan according to the specific circumstances in the production practice. For example, when the temperature is not high or the age of the flock is too small, the use of longitudinal ventilation will cause the flock to catch cold, which will affect its production performance.
3, to ensure the tightness of the coop The sealability of the coop is very important both in the summer and in winter. Keeping the coop closed is to maintain the temperature in the coop, avoid heat loss in the winter, save energy expenses, and avoid heat in the summer. The air can be taken in everywhere, reducing the flow rate of air in the house and affecting the cooling effect.
4. There is a certain temperature difference between the air inlet and the air outlet for feeding the vertical ventilation houses. The chickens in the hot season are easy to pile at the air inlet with lower temperature, which will greatly affect the vertical ventilation. Effects and production performance of chickens. Therefore, it should be adopted before the 21st day of breeding, and attention should be paid to use a good ventilation barrier to ensure the normal flow of air.
5. When using the wet bar device in combination, when the weather is hot and the temperature difference in the house is large, it is necessary to use it, and after the wind longitudinal ventilation system is running normally, there should be no other air inlet outside the wet curtain air inlet. Check the door, vents, wet screen and the wall of the joint is whether there is a dry part. Because of the heat of these places into the house will affect the cooling effect.
6. Fully deal with emergency measures During the hot season, once the fan stops rotating, the temperature and humidity inside the house will increase rapidly. According to the age of the flock, it is generally 10-20 minutes to reach a fatal degree. Therefore, always check and maintain the backup generator. For some vulnerable parts such as fuses, belts, etc., it should be prepared enough. In this way, the normal operation of ventilation equipment can be guaranteed under all circumstances.

                                                                           Cabinet Vacuum Suction Unit

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