Printed pattern text and digital mainly include production date, expiration date, batch number, barcode and trademark pattern. Anti-counterfeiting marks and Chinese characters are powerful devices for implementing health laws and promoting packaging modernization.
This technology is widely used in many industries, multi-material surface, high speed, stable, adapt to the packaging marking of various workshops, production line conditions. Applied materials include paper, PVC, glass, plastic, rubber, wood, ceramic, leather, fabric and other materials. The application objects are mainly divided into two major categories, one is the packaging of products, mainly distributed in the food, beverage, tobacco, alcohol and pharmaceutical industries: the other is the product itself, that is, the specification of the model on the product, etc. Be part of the product itself, mainly in the wire and cable, building materials, electronic products and business printing industries.

Comparison between laser printer and inkjet printer
Serial number
Comparison project
Laser printer
Ink jet printer

Security effect
The printed information is directly engraved on the surface of the product. The mark can be both lined and dot matrix. The visual effect of the mark is unique, the mark is clear and permanent, and cannot be erased and changed. The anti-counterfeiting effect is obvious.
The markup is clear but easy to erase and change. Generally, the anti-counterfeiting effect of the printer is limited. However, some drop-on-demand (DOD) printers have strong anti-counterfeiting features.
Working status
The use of online high-speed non-stop laser coding, high production efficiency. Both static and production lines can work under high-speed flow conditions
Adopting online type, production has no pause and high production efficiency. Some inkjet printers may have ink clogging, and the inkjet printer can only work in the production line. As long as you hold the printer, you can print under static conditions.