Scientific name: Rhustyphina

Alias: Antler Paint

Family genus: Rutaceae

There are about 60 genera and more than 600 undergraduates, distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, and a few extending to the north temperate regions.

China has 16 genera and 54 species, mainly distributed in the provinces south of the Yangtze River.

Morphological characteristics:

Shrubs or small trees, 3-5m tall. Odd pinnate compound leaves, 9-17 leaflets, lanceolate oblong, 5-12cm long, panicle terminal, 10-20cm long, flowers small, light green. Dark red fruit.

Flowering July-August fruiting period September-October.

Mature period is early, generally 4 years old can blossom and be solid, sustainable for about 30 years.

Growth habits:

Strong adaptability, cold resistance, drought resistance, salt and alkali resistance, strong root system, strong sprouting ability, fast growth, short life span, but strong ability of natural regeneration. Even after falling leaves in winter, the female plant is still full of trees "Torch", quite Strange.

Positive species, adaptability is extremely strong. He is born on the edge of river valleys, embankments and marshes. He is also able to tolerate arid and poor ridges, and can grow on the wasteland of hillsides.


With seeding, leafing and cutting roots can be allogeneic. Sown in September to collect mature ears, exposure threshing, low-temperature wet sand stratification to the spring of the following year. The split leaves are vigorous rooted leaf seedlings, and the fibrous roots carry seeds, which can survive. The root is collected after the nursery is out of the nursery, and the roots are collected and nursed to the nursery.

Mobile planting should be carried out after late autumn defoliation and before germination in the next spring. When planting requires seedlings, root Shu, after planting large seedlings should be the backbone.


It is a kind of foliage and fruit tree. Yi clumping and group planting are fine colorful tree species that are adorned with landscape gardening.

The root system of the tree is relatively shallow, the horizontal roots are well developed, and the roots have a strong germination force. It is a good tree species for slope protection, embankment and sand-fixing. Female inflorescences and spikes are bright red, and summer and autumn are adorned with branches. They are extremely beautiful; autumn leaves turn red and are very bright.

It is an ideal tree species for afforestation and landscaping. The bark and leaves contain tannins, which are the raw materials for making tannic acid; the fruits contain citric acid and vitamin C and can be used as drinks; the seeds contain oily waxes and can make soaps and candles; the wood is yellow and the texture is dense and beautiful, and can be carved and spun. Crafts; root bark can be used medicinally.

The tree grows to a height of 2.0m or more, and autumn leaves are filled with beautiful scenery.

The cashews belong to the lacquer family and are one of the cashew nuts.

Its Latin name is Anacardiumoccidentale. Cashews are shrubs or small trees, 4 to 10 meters in height, single leaves, grassy, ​​obovate, 8 to 14 cm long, 6 to 8.5 cm wide, apex rounded, entire, glabrous. Panicles, densely flowered, yellow flowers. Ovary obovate, reniform kidney-shaped, 2 to 2.5 cm long and 1.5 cm wide. The fruit base has a large pear-shaped flesh fake fruit, which is formed due to the enlargement of the receptacle. Only the kidney-shaped stonefruit is the true fruit. The cashews usually sold in shops are the kidney-shaped stonefruit. Peel and seed coat have been removed, only slightly white, flat and curved seed kernels, which are cotyledons, edible parts.

Cashew nuts are native to tropical America and are now widely cultivated around the world. China also has plants in Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian and Taiwan. In addition to the edible cashew nuts, the fleshy fruit can also be eaten. It can be eaten raw or made juices, jams, candied fruit, and made into wine. Cashew nuts are high in oil content and can be used as premium cooking oil. Its shell oil can be used as a drug and it is also a preservative.

Electric Over Blanket is similar to Electric Under Blanket, but a bit different.

Electric over blanket is used by covering human body to keep warm.

Normally electric over blanket is not recommended to be used during sleeping, as it might cause overheating, although it has the function of overheating protection.

Normally over blanket shuts off after 2 hours, for the sake of safety.

Below image as reference:

electric over blanket

Electric Over Blanket

Electric Over Blankets, Heating Cover Blanket, Heated Over Blanket, Electric Warming Blanket

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