(1) During the harvest period, the lotus leaf had no great influence on the development of rhizomes. On the morning of the excavation, some leaves were removed and dried as a wrapping material. Or pick the lotus leaves several days before harvesting to stop the breath in the ground, promote the reduction of the rust spots attached to the body, and remove the embroidered skin. It is easy to wash away, so as to enhance the quality of the loquat. (2) Digging When the leaves stop appearing, the back of the leaves is slightly red, and when the edges of the base vertical leaves begin to yellow, the pods have matured. Most of the plants when the leaves green blue excavation Nen. At this time, tender and easy to cut off, generally do not put the field water, hand picked. After the leaves are yellow, they dig the old ones. Before the digging, about 10 days, the water in the fields is drained and then digged with shovels. In the deep-water lake, digging crickets, kicking the earth with a kick and then picking it up with a hook. In places densely populated by new places, the whip runs vertically and horizontally. In this case, the distance between the leaves and the post-tower leaves can be visualized to estimate the depth of the taro. The distance between the terminating leaf and the rear ridge leaf is far away, and the hoe head is deep into the soil; otherwise, it is shallowed into the soil. Dig the above hoe first, then dig below. When you dig, you will empty the mud below, and slowly drag the whole back out. (3) After storage, it is not resistant to storage after excavation. It can only be stored for 10 to 15 days in early autumn and late spring, and it can be stored for about 30 in winter. The stored storks require that they be mature and full of knots, and the whole body must be mud-free and non-destructive. The knot breaks and is closed with mud. Do not stack too thick or too tight when storing or transporting. Cover it with lotus leaves and plants, often watering, keep it chilly and moist, and avoid being bored with heat and mildew. (4) Keeping seed and planting seedlings Putian should grow well-grown clay ponds. Because the species must live winter in the field, the field must maintain a certain amount of thin water, not dry, so as to avoid freezing and cracking of the soil, and to freeze the seed pods. If it is not always possible to maintain shallow water, it should be covered with straw to prevent cold. Before the third year of planting, dig out the seedlings, dig, pick them, and plant them. When digging and digging, you can look for money according to the money flowing from the surface of the water. In addition to choosing the whole plant with the characteristics of this species, it should also pay attention to the neat crops, grow in one direction, and then thicken the loquat section and the lotus whip. If the festival becomes smaller later, it means that the species has deteriorated and must be eliminated. China Agricultural Network Editor