Carrot juice can improve people's appetite and immunity, can significantly reduce the symptoms of ulcers, relieve conjunctivitis, and protect the visual system. Breast-feeding women drink more carrot juice each day, and the quality of the milk produced is higher.
Celery juice can be used as a diuretic and laxative as well as antihypertensive drugs. Since the root and leaves of celery are rich in vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and vitamin P, they are particularly suitable for vitamin deficiency.
Cabbage juice can promote the recovery of hematopoietic function, resistance to vascular sclerosis, to prevent sugar from turning into fat, prevent cholesterol deposition has a good effect. When gum infection causes periodontal disease, drinking cabbage and carrot juice can play a role in cleaning the oral cavity.
Cucumber juice plays an important role in strengthening the heart and blood vessels, can regulate blood pressure, prevent myocardial hyper tension and atherosclerosis, but also calm the nervous system and enhance memory. Many elements of cucumber juice are needed for hair and nails to prevent hair loss and nail cleft.
Tomato juice contains a lot of citric acid and malic acid, which is of great benefit to the body's metabolism. It can promote the production of gastric juice and strengthen the digestion of greasy foods. Among them, vitamin P protects blood vessels and controls hypertension.


Ganzhou Green days Biochemical Technology Co., Ltd. ,