Recently, many vegetable farmers have consulted by phone or WeChat, saying that the growth of vegetables in the shed is abnormal. By understanding, these issues focus on the impact of recent weather and temperature changes on vegetables. Let's take a detailed analysis of the root causes of the problem.

Symptom performance

Leaf malformation and leaf edge damage are caused by low temperature effects and bacterial leaf spot disease; pepper plants grow weak, plant leaf growth is abnormal, due to low temperature effects, root absorption is poor, upper leaf growth is abnormal and flower Developmental malformation; abnormal growth of leaves on the top of the tomato, slender growth of the leaves, and decreased plant growth, which is the hormone poisoning performance of tomatoes under low temperature conditions. It is not difficult to see through these problems that the key word causing the above problems is "low temperature". The occurrence of low temperature conditions is generally in the continuous rainy and snowy weather or smog weather in winter and spring. After the low temperature and low temperature, it affects different types of greenhouse cultivated vegetables in different growth stages, mainly in the impact on growth.

Cause Analysis

For example, after tomato planting to the growth period before and after flowering, low temperature and poor conditions are encountered, resulting in slow plant growth, abnormal growth of upper leaves (small leaves, narrow long leaves, twisted growth), accompanied by poor development of flower ears, low deformed flowers and fruit setting rate. Even some plants have hormonal poisoning (low temperature conditions, plant metabolism is poor, endogenous hormone excretion of tomato plants is affected, resulting in the formation of plant hormone poisoning by their own endogenous hormones). Part of the low front part of the shed, because of the low temperature, the top leaves and stems of the plant are purple (the lack of phosphorus in low temperature conditions). When eggplant, pepper, sweet pepper, etc. are affected by low temperature, the most important thing is the malformation of flowers, poor pollen vigor, causing low fruit setting rate or the appearance of a large number of malformed fruits. In severe cases, it shows the phenomenon of falling flowers and fruit. The melon crops are affected by low temperature. The seedlings grow slowly after planting, and the roots have poor absorption ability, which leads to yellowing of leaves and nutrient deficiency. When the planting stage senses low temperature, the growth speed of melon strips is slow and the premature senescence of plants is serious. The root cause of the above phenomenon is the influence of temperature. The first temperature is low, which affects the growth and absorption of roots, resulting in insufficient nutrients and water supply in the aboveground parts, leading to abnormal growth. The second air temperature is low (that is, we often say that the temperature is low), resulting in insufficient growth and accumulation of crops and different growth anomalies.

Mitigation measures

We understand and understand the causes of the low temperature and the undesirable phenomena, and we should treat them correctly and find a reasonable way to solve them.

One is to properly water the water. The maintenance of the root part of the underground part, pay attention to strict control of the amount of watering, especially in areas with high groundwater levels, the amount of watering must be small, and the watering time should be extended appropriately.

The second is to rationally select root leaf maintenance products. Rooting products and soil improvement products should be selected from biological fungi and contain no hormones or hormones. Foliar fertilizer can be sprayed with amino acids such as photosynthetic power or alginic acid, and it is also necessary to avoid the use of foliar fertilizers with excessive hormone content.

The solution of low temperature barriers has a gradual process, which must be carried out in many aspects, such as temperature, moisture, nutrition and reasonable plant burden.

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